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Associates of Manuel Poirier

The following is a list of actors and actress that have worked with Manuel Poirier as a director.

Search Results

Showing results 1-43 of 43 (page 1 of 1).

  1. Julien Barbier
  2. Loïc Baylacq
  3. Bérénice Bejo
  4. Luc Bernard
  5. Vanessa Biel
  6. Lucia Bruxelle
  7. Baptiste Caillaud
  8. Merlin Chavanne Vimont
  9. Violette Chavanne Vimont
  10. Jean-Marc Chesseret
  11. Fanny Cottençon
  12. Céline Cremon
  13. Vincent Damon
  14. Florence Darel
  15. Jean-Paul de Medeiros
  16. Guillaume De Tonquedec
  17. Sam Desarmegnin
  18. Alain Dion
  19. Marion Durand
  20. Philippe Escande
  21. Elodie Grigo
  22. Élodie Hesme
  23. Karine Houngbedji
  24. Fabien Kachev
  25. Cédrik Lanöe
  26. Christophe Laparra
  27. Sergi López (I)
  28. Gaspard Legendre
  29. Philippe Mangione
  30. Tom Méziane
  31. Etienne Montiel
  32. Valentin Nassonov
  33. Franck Neckebrock
  34. Patrick Nogues
  35. Eric Paradisi
  36. Léo Poirier
  37. Samuel Poirier
  38. Alexis Roger
  39. Bruno Salomone
  40. Stéphane Semettre
  41. Baptiste Telman
  42. Bastien Telmon
  43. Mathieu Vervisch