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Associates of Jeff Celentano

The following is a list of actors and actress that have worked with Jeff Celentano as a director.

Search Results

Showing results 1-50 of 57 (page 1 of 2). Next

  1. Armand Assante
  2. Asher Axe
  3. Matt Baker (VII)
  4. George Balakiryan
  5. Elya Baskin
  6. Tom Berenger
  7. Steven Berkoff
  8. Marshall Borden
  9. Steven Brand (I)
  10. Kenya Brome
  11. Vincent Campanella
  12. Robert Capelli Jr.
  13. David Conley (V)
  14. Curtiss Cook
  15. Brianne Costa
  16. Anatoli Davydov
  17. Mark De Alessandro
  18. Faye Dunaway
  19. Frankie Faison
  20. Sticky Fingaz
  21. Agata Gotova
  22. William Groothuis
  23. Alix Hayes
  24. Tera Hendrickson
  25. Marianne Hettinger
  26. Dyron Holmes
  27. Miles Kath
  28. Michael Khmurov
  29. Carl Kocis
  30. Vladislov Kodov
  31. Bernie Kopell
  32. Vladislav Kozlov
  33. Vladimir Kulikov
  34. David McDivitt
  35. Robbie Moore
  36. George Murdock (I)
  37. Alex Nesic
  38. Ryan O'Quinn
  39. Saverio Persico
  40. Vince Potalivo
  41. Matthew Rauch
  42. Shabazz Ray
  43. Busta Rhymes
  44. Greg Romeo
  45. Rade Serbedzija
  46. Bill Sorice (II)
  47. James Staszkiel
  48. Oliver Steinberg
  49. Joe Suba
  50. Paul Thornton (I)