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Associates of Jeff Werner (I)

The following is a list of actors and actress that have worked with Jeff Werner (I) as a director.

Search Results

Showing results 1-50 of 52 (page 1 of 2). Next

  1. Chris Arnold (II)
  2. Dan Asma
  3. John Barrymore (I)
  4. Saul Bass
  5. Anne Baxter
  6. Erica Benson (I)
  7. William Castle
  8. Bruce Cohen
  9. Benedict Coulter
  10. Kate Cox
  11. Joe Dante (I)
  12. Cecil B. DeMille
  13. Howard Deutch
  14. Margaret Doppelt
  15. Joseph Farrell (I)
  16. Pablo Ferro (I)
  17. Robert G. Friedman
  18. Anthony Goldschmidt (I)
  19. Nancy Goliger
  20. Ian Graham (V)
  21. Mike Greenfeld
  22. Jere Guldin
  23. Stewart Harnell
  24. Dianne Harnell Cohen
  25. Sister Janet Harris
  26. Lee Harry
  27. Vinzenz Hediger
  28. Stephen Herek
  29. Paul Hirsch (I)
  30. Alfred Hitchcock (I)
  31. Jeff Joseph (II)
  32. Stanley Kubrick
  33. Andrew J. Kuehn
  34. Don LaFontaine (I)
  35. Leonard Maltin
  36. Gregory McClatchy
  37. Greg Morrison (VI)
  38. Robert Osborne (II)
  39. Marykay Powell
  40. Mario Rocha
  41. Joel Saulsburey
  42. Joel Schumacher
  43. Michael J. Shapiro
  44. Tony Silver (I)
  45. Steven Spielberg (I)
  46. François Truffaut
  47. Jarik Van Sluijs
  48. Aldo Velasco
  49. Jeff Werner (I)
  50. Robin Williams (I)