Saturday, May 4, 2024, 6:46:07 pm (EST)

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Associates of Michael Bay

The following is a list of actors and actress that have worked with Michael Bay as a director.

Search Results

Showing results 1-50 of 181 (page 1 of 4). Next

  1. Michael Adams (XIV)
  2. Charles Adler (I)
  3. Ben Affleck
  4. Sage Allen
  5. Joe Allen (I)
  6. Andrew Altonji
  7. Stanley Anderson
  8. Anthony Anderson (I)
  9. Jeff Austin (I)
  10. John Aylward
  11. Craig Barnett (I)
  12. Michael Bay
  13. Judi Beecher
  14. Sophie Bobal
  15. Charlie Bodin
  16. Mark Boone Junior
  17. Clark Heathcliffe Brolly
  18. Brian Brophy
  19. Steve Buscemi
  20. Andrew Caldwell (II)
  21. Ken Hudson Campbell
  22. Dyllan Christopher
  23. Ellen Cleghorne
  24. Christian Clemenson
  25. Greg Collins (II)
  26. Odile Corso
  27. Peter Cullen (I)
  28. Brian Hayes Currie
  29. Mark Curry (I)
  30. Keith David (I)
  31. David Delaney (III)
  32. Billy Devlin
  33. Ryan DiFrancesco
  34. Andy Domingues
  35. Frederic Doss (II)
  36. Judith Drake (I)
  37. Josh Duhamel
  38. Michael Clarke Duncan
  39. Kevin Dunn (I)
  40. Luis Echagarruga
  41. Bodhi Elfman
  42. Chris Ellis (I)
  43. Joshua Feinman
  44. Dan Ferris (II)
  45. William Fichtner
  46. Colin Fickes
  47. Mike Fisher (IX)
  48. Jim Fitzpatrick (IV)
  49. Steven Ford (I)
  50. Scarlet Forge