Saturday, November 23, 2024, 3:36:50 am (EST)

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Associates of Sidney Lumet

The following is a list of actors and actress that have worked with Sidney Lumet as a director.

Search Results

Showing results 201-239 of 239 (page 5 of 5). Prev

  1. Otis Sallid
  2. Johnny Sanchez
  3. Zachary Sanders (I)
  4. Alfred Sauchelli Jr.
  5. Kenneth Scott (II)
  6. Terry Serpico
  7. Michael Shannon (V)
  8. James Shaw (I)
  9. Roderick-Spencer Sibert
  10. Ron Silver (I)
  11. Derrick Simmons
  12. Raymond Simpson
  13. Ray Simpson (I)
  14. T.B. Skinner
  15. Troy Smith (III)
  16. Robert Stanton (II)
  17. Fred Stark (III)
  18. Ronald 'Smokey' Stevens
  19. Kevin Stockton
  20. Stewart Summers
  21. Grady Tate
  22. Duke Thorbs
  23. Alfonzo Thornton
  24. Andy Torres
  25. Joseph Tudisco
  26. Luther Vandross
  27. Vinny Vella
  28. Gerry Vichi
  29. Vito Violante
  30. Gyle Waddy
  31. Bill Walker (I)
  32. Joey Ward
  33. Carl Weaver
  34. James Wigfall
  35. Ralph Wilcox (I)
  36. Lee Wilkof
  37. Kenny Williams (II)
  38. Ted Williams (IV)
  39. Roger Zamudio