Associates of Rosa Vergés
The following is a list of actors and actress that have worked with Rosa Vergés as a director.
Search Results
Showing results 51-90 of 90 (page 2 of 2). Prev
- Oliver Loftéen
- Néstor Luján
- Miquel Lumbierres
- Enric Majó
- Franco Mariano
- Richard Marshall (II)
- Blas Martínez Vergés
- Sergi Mateu
- Martí Milla
- Paco Mir
- Tsuyoshi Murukami
- Samuel Nacar Puentes
- Enrique Neant
- Nico Nishiky
- Minoru Nishiyama
- Jacob Nordenson
- Michael Nyqvist
- Ryan O'Nan
- Ray Oliva
- Tim Pfeiffer
- Anastasi Rinos
- Hugo Ruiz (I)
- Sergi Ruiz (I)
- Claudio Salgado
- Carles Sans
- Carles Santos
- Michael Q. Schmidt
- Shiro Seino
- Hiroe Sunouchi
- Daren Thomas (II)
- Jacint Todó
- Branko Tomovic
- Tres
- Manuel Veiga (I)
- José Vidal (I)
- Arnau Vilardebó
- Agustí Villaronga
- Albert Vinyoli
- Sei Watanabe
- Joseph Williamson (I)